
Personalised Solutions for Problem Skin


We understand the frustration of the restrictions in mainstream Medical Management of this Complex Condition

Commence Hormone Regulating Treatment, Antibiotics or other Powerful Medications
Watch the problem return once you stop.

These approaches aren’t healing the problem, they’re creating more problems to heal.

We work differently, because you deserve results that last.

We get it.

You move between heartache, frustration, sadness and moments of not caring about your skin. You know there’s more that can be done, you’re just not sure what. You’ve been promised “the answer” before and it’s come up short, but you always felt like something was missing. You were right…  

Welcome to the last step on your
journey to clear skin & the first step on your
journey within.

Acne is a common skin concern that affects many of us at different stages in life. Acne can present in a number of ways -whiteheads, blackheads, pustules or as more severe and painful cysts and is considered an obstructive disorder of the skin.

While some are lucky enough to experience only the occasional pimple, people who have severe or ongoing breakouts know that this skin concern may lead to low self-esteem and can really hit your confidence hard.

The great news?

If you suffer from acne, we are incredibly passionate about complete Holistic solutions got a range of treatments and packages designed to combat this concern and help you towards the glowing skin and confidence you deserve!


Excess sebum (oil) production can be caused by several factors, the most common culprit being hormonal imbalance. This can be due to puberty, pregnancy, genetics or even stress. Other acne-contributing factors may include lifestyle, diet or incompatible skincare products.

Acne occurs when bacteria enters the pores clogged by excess oil, dead skin cells and debris on the skin’s surface leading to inflammation.

What Causes Acne? 

Signs of Acne

Blackheads result from the build-up of sebum, dead skin cells and other impurities in the skin which clog the pore. When the build-up is exposed to air, the area becomes oxidised and results in the recognisable shade of black/ brown colouration, giving blackheads their name.


Whiteheads appear in the skin when dead skin cells, oil and dirt clog up your pores. In contrast to blackheads that can be pushed out from the skin, whiteheads are closed within the skins pore. Picking or popping whiteheads, whilst tempting, can introduce bacteria into the area and may lead to infection, more inflammatory acne and scarring. It is advised to leave extraction of a whitehead to professional clinicians.


Pustules and cysts are considered one of the more severe conditions in terms of the Acne scale. Pustules and Cysts are the result of bacteria entering into the clogged pores in the skin and inflammation and infection occurs. The pressure of the sebum that builds up can cause skin cell walls to break down, resulting in the infection spreading sideways underneath your skin.

Pustules and Cysts

Acne can be a debilitating & heart-breaking condition for those that suffer with it


  1. Acne begins

  2. They go to the doctor (usually as a teenager) and are put on the Hormonal control and/or antibiotics

  3. The acne may or may not go away with this approach. (Hint: this is a big indicator as to if hormones are a major driver of acne if the Hormone Medication helps to clear acne)

  4. If that doesn’t help, they are put on stronger medication by a Dermotologist or told that this is the only other option to clear their skin

    (Note: even with the horrific side effects, this doesn’t actually always help… I treat many women who have used this and are still coming to me with acne)

  5. They either want to stop taking the pill/antibiotics now but are being told that’s the only way to help their acne

  6. Or they have stopped the pill / antibiotics / other powerful medications and the acne has returned

  7. Or they have felt entirely lost since day one, and are just hoping that the problem will get better with time or that they learn to love their acne because they’ve lost hope it will get better

They are frustrated of being told the same thing over and over
and tired of trying to figure out what the deeper cause of their acne is…


All results tailored to achieve your individual goals and enhance your natural features. This is seen in our beautiful clients before and after photos - no two client results look the same!

Real Clients Real Results

We work to accurately assess and identify the underlying
drivers and causes of the acne …

Because everyone is different, and not all acne is going to be helped by medication that doesn’t take that into account.

Sometimes acne is due to stress or sluggish elimination pathways or certain foods or poor gut function.

Sometimes acne is because your lymphatic system isn’t working properly or you’re deficient in zinc for one reason or another.


There’s a lot to consider around the health of your insides… and the health of your skin itself.

Address all aspects of the drivers of your Acne from Medical Health - with a Comprehensive medical assessment, diagnostic, medication review and pathology testing, Holistic Health Asessment and the development of a Treatment plan looking at the function of the skin and the sebum, as well as your skincare routine. As Medical Practitioners we can also assist in managing cyclical flareups or other medically related concerns over your time with us.

For best results, we create a skincare plan as Medical Skincare Specialists - depending on your skin function, and work to improve the skin barrier and reduce inflammation on the upper and deeper layers of the skin so that we can get amazing results as quickly as possible.


We know that acne can cause so many psychological, mental and emotional blocks, deplete self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence, so we have a no-nonsense approach

Comprehensive Medical Assessment

Development of Medical Acne Management Plan - including Pathology testing, Diagnostic and Treatment Plan

Step 1

Integrated Health Assessment

Development off a plan of management - Prescription of Supplements and Nutritional Program

Step 2

Specialist Skin Assessment and Personalised Clinical treatment plan

A personalised medical prescription of In Clinic Treatments and Home Care Prescriptives - targeting your individual needs

Step 3

Medical Management of Acne Flareups

Step 4

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